Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Turn down your televison!!

House Votes To Turn Down Volume Of Noisy TV Ads
Last Update: 2:43 pm

Congress: Would You Please Turn That TV Ad Down! By ANN SANNER, Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON (AP) -- The House has voted to level off the abrupt spikes in volume felt by television viewers during commercial breaks.The bill -- approved by a voice vote -- is aimed at stopping TV ads from playing noticeably louder than programs.Supporters say the measure would alleviate a common irritation that leads consumers to scramble for the mute button as they watch their favorite shows.The legislation requires the Federal Communications Commission to adopt guidelines developed by the TV industry.Right now, the government doesn't have much say in the volume of TV ads.An identical measure has been introduced in the Senate.

(Copyright 2009 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)

Friday, December 11, 2009

That's Annoying!

Hello All:

Granted, I know that this is my hubby's normal blog channel, but I just wanted to "Pop his cherry" over on this blog and get something posted over here for him.  I know that Bear Mace agrees with me on this matter, because he's complained about this to me previously  --  the matter of Christmas gifts.

I just talked to Bear Mace's momma on the phone (two times, 'cause she's already called me once about a party that is coming up on December 20 that the three of us are going to here.)  The woman was all flipped out about Christmas and this party on December 20.

I know that my mother-in-law has gotten my hubby something for Christmas, (but I'm not gonna say what it is here, 'cause we're talking about my hubby's present here!)  My mother-in-law is getting us something for Christmas and she called the first time and was going on about that stuff.

The second time that woman called, she was talking about that party that we're going to on December 20, (the Sunday before Christmas.)  I just found out that we're not going to have food, (a meal) there at the party on Sunday, just finger food, heavy finger food.  Well, there's one good thing about the m-i-l calling  --  at least I can get the hubby to eat himself something big before we go over to that party that night.  On the other hand, it wasn't really necessary for my m-i-l to call me back to tell me about the food, 'cause it could have waited until closer to time, but oh well.

When my m-i-l called to talk to me about the food for that party, I was actually working on my book that I am trying to get published here in the near future.  I've been trying to get the details hashed out with the one publisher now for about 2 weeks, so I can get it published and I'm starting to get cranky, because the publisher that I am working with seems to be rather nit picky about the flipping cover here, among other things.  I also just had to send out an e-mail to a different publisher here earlier tonight, because I really didn't want to pay $995 to just publish the goofy book!  I don't want the book published that bad.

Any way, I hope that things work out to where I can get this book published, then you all will be hearing about my hubby and I celebrating a good thing here!  I hope that you all have a great weekend!